



Dear customers,

Welcome to Villa Sonia!

We would like to inform you that our accommodation establishment is fully in line with the special health protocols, on which tourism enterprises rely to take measures against the coronavirus COVID-19, as laid down in the Joint Ministerial Decision no. 1881/29.5.2020 by the Ministries of Finance, Health and Tourism (Greek Government Gazette 2084 Β’/ 29-5-2020).

All members of the accommodation staff have received the necessary training to comply with the health protocols.

The accommodation establishment has obtained the “Health First” certification seal from the Ministry of Tourism, indicating that the operation complies with all health protocols.

In our attempt to adapt to the new circumstances brought by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, we ask for your understanding and compliance with the measures applied to prevent the COVID-19 coronavirus transmission.
We would like to inform you that the operation bears no liability against any person, relating directly or indirectly to the coronavirus COVID-19, since we comply with the special health protocols and bear the “Health First” certification seal (Article 60 (5) of Law 4688/24-5-2020).
On behalf of Villa Sonia Management, we wish you a pleasant and safe stay!


  • Where required, personal protective equipment is available: disposable masks (simple surgical or fabric/ cloth) and disposable gloves.
  • The operation complies with the circular of the Ministry of Health “Protection of Public Health by the coronavirus SARS-COV-2 in the water supply and sewerage systems”.
  • All employees of the accommodation establishment apply the basic measures to prevent the COVID-19 coronavirus transmission: hand washing, use of antiseptics, keeping physical distances, avoiding hand contact with the face and generally complying with the personal and respiratory health measures.
  • Orfanidou Despina has been appointed as the coordinator of the accommodation to supervise the implementation of the plan for compliance with the rules of health protocols against the coronavirus COVID-19.
  • All specified procedures under the guidelines set by the Hellenic National Public Health Organization (EODY) on the management of any suspected COVID-19 case are fully complied with.
  • All members of the accommodation staff use personal protective measures, which are always available.
  • Should a staff member display any symptoms relating to the disease, he/ she must stay home and return to work only if the laboratory test is negative. Moreover, anyone who has had contact with a case must stay home. In any of the above cases, the employee shall notify the manager to apply the suspected case management plan.
  • For the purposes of public health protection actions, the accommodation management/ administration keeps a record of staff members and all persons who stayed in the accommodation, that is name, nationality, date of arrival and departure, contact details (address, telephone, e-mail), so it is possible to communicate with the close contacts of any COVID-19 case, which may be identified afterwards.
    Attention is also paid on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all customers are informed that a record is kept for public health protection reasons.
  • The operation has special equipment (medical kit) for the occurrence of a suspected case, such as gloves and disposable masks, antiseptics, cleaning wipes, aprons, long-sleeved robes and laser thermometer.
  • Measures are taken during check-in/ check-out to avoid overcrowding and distances are kept.
  • All key cards and keys are placed in a special container for disinfection before given to guests.
  • The accommodation operates with extended check-in and check-out hours between stays (check-in from 3.00 pm and check-out until 11.00 am).
    This change in the time intervals between every check-in and check-out is mandatory to ensure that between different customers the room is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and adequately ventilated in a natural manner.
  • It is forbidden for visitors to enter the rooms.
  • Special cleaning instructions apply in the event of a COVID-19 case according to the respective EODY guidelines.
  • During work, the staff comply with the basic measures to avoid the transmission of the coronavirus COVID-19; they do not smoke, they do not consume food or drinks and they are equipped with gloves, masks (simple surgical or fabric), robe and closed shoes.
  • Room cleaning during the stay is not frequent (avoiding contact of the cleaning crew with a possible case and further transmission) and the linen/ towels are not changed every day, only upon request of the customer.
  • There is a possibility to choose a policy between regular cleaning and waiting 24 hours before the room is available to a customer or meticulous cleaning and disinfection (e.g. with steam cleaner) of the most touched surfaces of the room and bathroom.
  • The fabric surfaces, where any (e.g. upholstery), are cleaned with a steam device at a temperature of > 70° C.
  • The staff complies with all hygiene rules when collecting dirty linen by using the appropriate personal protective equipment (special disposable apron over the uniform, gloves and mask).
  • Used fabrics, bedding and towels are placed in closed, marked bags or sacks to be transported to the laundry facilities.
  • Separation (marking) of areas of dirty and clean linen is performed.
  • The carts for transporting the closed bags with the linen are disinfected after each use.
  • Fabrics, bedding and towels are washed in hot circles (70o C or more) with the commonly used detergents.
  • In case the linen cleaning service is provided by an external partner, checks are performed on compliance with the required measures of proper receipt and delivery.
  •  It is ensured that the clean linen is maintained in a good and clean condition during their storage and transport to the use areas (rooms, restaurants, etc.)


Reception/ WC

  • Antiseptic gel for use by the customers (fixed or non-fixed devices) is available at the reception desk. The reception desk is also regularly disinfected.
  • Reception desk is properly designed, with the addition of floor markings at a distance of two meters where the customers should stand, proper marking of distances in the waiting area, safe arrangement of furniture and proper queue management in order to reduce the time of waiting.


Management of suspected COVID-19 case

  • If a guest has symptoms compatible with the COVID-19 infection, the following apply:
  1. The operation health manager contacts EODY IMMEDIATELY at +30 210 5212054 or the special four-digit number 1135 for the medical evaluation of the case.
  2. If the patient is in urgent need of hospitalization, that is he/ she presents with a severe clinical picture, he/ she is transferred to the local health unit as a suspected COVID-19 case. If it is not possible to handle a COVID-19 case at the health infrastructure of the area, there must be a provision for transporting the patient (“EKAB” National Emergency Aid Centre, water ambulance, air ambulance) to the nearest health unit that can cope with it.
  3. If the patient has a mild clinical picture, a sample for laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 is taken by the physician.
  4. If the case is assessed as possible COVID-19 by the examining physician, the operation health manager contacts EODY IMMEDIATELY at +30 210 5212054 or the special four-digit number 1135 (24 hours a day) to report a suspected case and take instructions for dealing with it.
  5. The patient with a mild clinical picture remains in his/ her room until the results of the laboratory test are announced.
  6. During the above waiting period, the entrance of staff into the patient’s room is avoided, as long as there is no significant reason. If necessary, a staff member of the accommodation is advised to deal exclusively with the possible case.
  7. The establishment physician and the staff that will enter the room of the suspected or later confirmed case must use high-protection personal protective equipment (masks, goggles, waterproof disposable robes). The same goes for the crew that will take over the cleaning of a COVID-19 patient’s room.
  8. If confirmed as a COVID-19 case, the patient is transferred to the special quarantine hotel and later to a health facility that will accommodate patients with COVID-19 if the patient needs treatment. If not confirmed as a COVID-19 case, the patient is treated at the hotel with the instructions of the treating physician.
  9. The patient is transported with a simple surgical mask and private means of transport.
  10. If there is a companion of the patient (e.g. spouse) who wishes to stay by and take care of the patient, the companion should be given a simple surgical mask and advised to wash his/ her hands every time he/ she comes in contact with secretions of the patient (e.g. saliva) and definitely before the companion touches his/ her face or eats or drinks.
  11. The patient’s contact details must always be recorded if consent is required for interventions when the patient is not able to communicate.
  12. Used protective equipment (simple disposable surgical mask, gloves) should be discarded in a container and never used again.
  13. After disposing the protective equipment, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water. It should be stressed that the use of gloves does not replace hand washing, which is a very important means of prevention.

Villa Sonia Appartments Hersonissos Crete

  • 18 Navarchou Nearchou st., 70014,
              Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
  • +30 6907410282
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Irakleion, GR

Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 64%
Wind: NNW at 6.69 METER/SEC


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